We, the community of Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church of Rutherford, NJ are called by God, formed by His Word and inspired by the Holy Spirit. We strive to be a prayerful, welcoming, healing community and our life together is a witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We are called:
- To worship God together and joyfully celebrate His presence among us in the sacraments, especially the daily celebration of the Eucharist;
- To be united by our mutual commitment to Christ as evangelizers of His Word through the education of the young and the continued spiritual development of our adults;
- To build a joyful, vibrant community of faith, worship and prayer celebrating the gifts of all its members;
- To be a haven for those in need spiritually, physically, or emotionally, both within and outside our parish community.
We, the parish family of Saint Mary, are called to our mission by living out our Baptismal promises and being actively involved in the life of our parish.