We are called to help

Parish Ministries

God has given each person a gift. That gift is something each can do. Each one should use this gift to serve others. As good stewards we can all make good use of the many blessings God has given. [1 Peter 4:10]

Do you have a few hours each week or month to help support our parish? There are many ministries within our parish that can suit your time, talents and needs. If you are interested in participating in one of our ministries listed below, please contact us. If you would like to share your time or talent and do not see it listed below, please contact the Parish Office at (201) 438-2200.

Altar Guild

This ministry is comprised of women who meet every Tuesday morning after daily mass and come together to beautify the Church. For information on how you can become part of this ministry, please contact Valerie Bowen at (973) 542-1916.

Altar Linens

The members of this ministry alternate weekends to assist with the cleaning of Sacramental Linens used for daily and weekly Mass. For information on how to become part of this ministry, contact Valerie Bowen at (973) 542-1916.

Altar Servers

Each week our Altar servers assist the priest and deacon during mass in many ways. For special masses, such as The Holy Triduum, we are always looking for older servers of High school age through age 29 to assist with Mass. For more information on how to be part of this ministry, contact Joseph Ziaya at jziaya@gmail.com.

Baptism Preparation Class

Baptism of your child is such an important event in your child’s life and also in the lives of your whole family, we want you to have a joyful experience both during the preparation period of this sacrament and the actual conferring of it. Please see our Godparent guidelines and contact the parish office for more information.


In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4) Our Christian faith can offer great hope and consolation to those who mourn the death of loved ones; that is why the Lord calls his Church to be a source of His compassion and comfort. Has the loss of a loved one left you depressed, fearful, anxious or lonely? The Bereavement Support Group meets twice a year (6 weekly sessions) from 7:30 – 9:00 PM in our parish center.  If you have any questions or would like to register, contact Fran McCarthy at franmccarthy0130@hotmail.com.

Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Venture Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America is the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training. In the future Scouting will continue to offer young people responsible fun and adventure; Instill in young people lifetime values and develop in them ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law; Train young people in citizenship, service, and leadership; Serve America’s communities and families with its quality, values-based program. For information about joining our local Troop, Pack or Crew, please contact Walter Carroll at (201) 935-4069, or email walter.carroll@usdoj.gov.

Carpentry Club

This ministry is comprised of handy men or women who are able to assist with small Church projects using saws and wood. On occasion, things need to be repaired or built to fit the liturgical needs of the Church. For information on how you can lend your talent, please contact the parish office.

Children's Liturgy of the Word

The Children’s Liturgy of the Word is open to students grades K through 4. Before the first reading of the Mass, the presider will dismiss the children where they will gather in Rosary Hall. Their session will be opened with a song followed by the Gospel reading from the Children’s Lectionary. If you are interested, contact Marisa Ackermann at ackermann.marisa@gmail.com.

Choir (Adult)

Our Adult Choir is open to all high school students & older. For more information on how to be part of one of these groups, please contact Gerard DeMan at pianoman81453@aol.com.

Choir (Children & Teen)

Help us worship! St. Mary Children’s Choir welcomes boys and girls in grades 2 and up. Those in grades 6 and up can also sing in our Teen Choir. Rehearsals are Fridays from 4:30 – 5:30. For more information please contact Gerry DeMan at pianoman81453@aol.com.

CYO of the Archdiocese of Newark

Every Sunday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., there will be an open gym for both girls and boys grades 5 through 8. This is for children who attend both the Saint Mary CCD program and the Academy at Saint Mary. The Saint Mary CYO basketball program has been an elite program in Bergen County for decades where children learn the fundamentals of basketball and have fun. Please come join us! Please check the bulletin for additional upcoming activities and basketball schedule. For more information, contact Tom Lewis at tlcbmp@gmail.com or Brian Redington at bredington@kpmg.com.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, we are able to contribute to the Mission of the Church. Special Ministers of the Eucharist assist the Priest in nourishing and empowering Christ’s Body, the Church, for ministry in the world. By joining this special ministry, YOU are able to assure ongoing work of CHRIST in today’s world. Scheduling will accommodate your personal and family needs. Training is available. For more information, please contact Milissa Else at rrshadow@verizon.net.

Funeral Ministry

The Funeral Ministry are parishioners who attend funeral masses to show the support of the parish at this sorrowful time. They assist with The Rite of Committal with those who mourn. Please contact the parish office for more information.

Gardening Club

This ministry is comprised of men and women who have green thumbs! If you would like to help take away spring plantings and plant for the fall as well as help to maintain the grounds throughout the year, please contact the parish office.

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts of the USA is the world’s largest organization dedicated to helping all girls everywhere build character and gain skills for success in the real world. In an accepting and nurturing environment, and in partnership with committed adult volunteers, girls develop strong values, leadership skills, social conscience, and conviction about their own potential and self-worth that will serve them all their lives. For more information about joining our local chapter, please contact WTP@aol.com.


This ministry helps set up, clean up, and sometimes bake for special gatherings during the year. For information on how you can join this ministry, please contact the parish office.

Information Technology/Website

Contact Chris Moore at webmaster@stmaryrutherford.org for more information.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 12,000 councils and 1.6 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Guatemala, Guam and Saipan. For information about joining our local chapter, please visit https://www.kofc.org/.

Lazarus Ministry

The Lazarus ministry are parishioners who attend funeral masses to show the support of the parish at this sorrowful time. They serve as readers, Extra ordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers and assist in any way necessary. For more information, please contact Valerie Bowen at (973) 542-1916 or Linda Verdino (201) 438-2980.

Liturgical, Arts & Environment

The liturgies of the Church of Saint Mary are planned meticulously by the Clergy, the Director of Sacred Music, and the Liturgical Art & Environment Committee. The LA&E Committee is responsible for the decorations that appear throughout the year, most evident at Advent, Christmas and Easter. Their duties are varied assisting with the involvement of parishioners as volunteers in special liturgies, ushering, handing out prayer guides. The Spiritual Life Committee is a vital part of the Liturgical Art & Environment Committee as well. For more information, please contact Linda Verdino at (201) 438-2980 or email lverdino@juno.com.

Prayer Line Ministry

Our Prayer Line Ministry is a group of parishioners who pray for intentions. When you or someone you know needs prayer, send an email to Joanne Wilczynski joannew72@yahoo.com. You need only give the first name and it would be helpful to give the intention to be prayed for as well. All parishioners are invited to become one of our prayer team members. This ministry typically does not meet and is a wonderful ministry choice for those parishioners who may be homebound.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Through weekly sessions, non-Christian adults are prepared for Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist, and non-Catholic Christians are prepared for Confirmation and First Eucharist, which takes place at the Easter Vigil Mass. Adult Catholics who have been baptized but have not yet received the Sacraments of Initiation [Holy Eucharist and Confirmation] can also participate. For more information on how to participate in this program as a participant or volunteer, please contact Joe Ziaya in the Religious Formation Office at (201) 438-2200 x 1140.


The word of God, proclaimed in the sacred Scripture, enlightens our minds and hearts. When the scriptures are read in the liturgical assembly, God speaks to us and calls us to respond in faith and love. The ministry of the reader, then, is important to the life of the Church, for the reader proclaims God’s living word. Training is provided and lector workbooks are available. Typically there are two readers for each mass, each proclaiming one of the two readings for that day and the Intercessions and the announcements at the end of mass. Scheduling will accommodate your personal and family needs. For more information, contact Ellen Spaldo at (201_ 638-6759 or email spaldo@fdu.edu.

Religious Formation Program

All school-aged children (grades 1-8) should be enrolled in some form of religious formation program, either in our Parish Day School or Parish Religious Formation Program (CCD)New Catechists (teachers) are always needed! We provide the training and God provides the reward. For more information on how you can be a part of the Religious Formation Program, please contact Joe Ziaya, at (201) 438-2200 x 1140 or send an email to religiousformation@stmaryrutherford.org.

Respect Life

May God’s gift of life be more deeply appreciated, respected and defended throughout our Land. Join the Respect Life ministry and participate in events such as ongoing prayer vigils with Eucharistic Adoration to promote respect for all human life from conception to death. Also throughout the year the ministry organizes various fundraisers including a Mother’s Day Baby Shower. For more information, contact Joan VanLowe at joan_53@msn.com.

Rosary Altar Society

This ministry typically meets on the first Monday of every month. This Rosary Altar Society is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the recitation of the Rosary and also the care and cleaning of the altar linens, sacristy and church. Did you know that if you are a member of the Rosary Altar Society, you are remembered in every Rosary said by Rosarians all over the world? There are no meetings in July, August, January and February. For more information, contact Valerie Bowen at (973) 542-1916.

Rosary Makers

The Rosary Maker’s Guild, organized in 1982, is affiliated with Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, a worldwide organization whose members make rosaries for free distribution throughout the world. The men, women and children who make the rosaries seek to fulfill the requests made by Our Lady of Fatima by asking that recipients join in praying for an increase in love and respect for one another and for world peace. For more information on how you can spread the devotion to our Blessed Mother and through her, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For more information, email Mary Calabrese at mecalabrese@msn.com.

Social Concerns

The Social Concerns Ministry identifies current needs in the community and assists accordingly. Recent activities have included food pantry donations. One of the most popular activities is the Christmas Giving Tree, where parishioners can bring a Christmas gift that will be given to someone less fortunate. Please check bulletin & website for current activities. For more information, contact the Parish Office at (201) 438-2200.

Spiritual Life

The Christian faithful are those who have been incorporated in Christ through baptism and thus, constituted as the people of God. Basic to the mission is the spiritual foundation of each Christian. The individual Christian finds oneself in a parish community where that person is nourished, supported, and formed. These elements are found in worship, evangelization, stewardship, baptismal call and call to holiness. This ministry participates in various activities including special Liturgies and Penance Services and meets monthly. For more information, contact Andrea McCoy at amc44559@gmail.com.

St. Mary High School

Saint Mary High School is a Catholic coeducational secondary school whose mission is to develop the inherent abilities of its students to think independently, communicate effectively and solve problems creatively. This mission is carried out within the framework of a college preparatory curriculum and a commitment to teach as Jesus taught, with respect for the dignity of each person and the recognition of the giftedness of each. We strive to educate our students to be faith-filled Christians prepared to assume the responsibilities and challenges of the adult world. Saint Mary High School offers open enrollment.


This ministry combines Stewardship of Time (commitment to self, family, parish, universal church and community), Stewardship of Talent (Sharing God’s gifts i.e.: through one of these ministries) and Stewardship of Treasure (through weekly collection envelopes). Through our annual Ministry Fair, we are able to build up God’s Kingdom with volunteers that support these ministries. For more information, contact the Parish Office at (201) 438-2200.


Your hands, eyes, voice and talent are important to the Church of Saint Mary. We need your hands to assist our Parishioners and visitors to a pew, and usher at all services. Your hands can guide a senior or handicap parishioner to a seat to make them comfortable and help with the distribution of baskets at Offertory time. Your eyes are our scanners. Spot our parishioners if they may need medical assistance. Your voice will greet all who are attending our services. For more information, contact Larry Boland at larry.boland@icloud.com.

Vacation Bible School

Parent and teen helpers are welcome and needed. Interested families, please send an email to religiousformation@stmaryrutherford.org.